Magyar Montessori Bibliográfia
Hungarian Montessori Bibliography
Könyvek. - Books
Montessori, Maria : 1930. Módszerem kézikönyve.
Budapest. A "Kisdednevelés" kiadása. ( 60 p.)
Burchard-Bélaváry Erzsébet fordítása. Előszóval ellátta Kenyeres Elemér.
(Montessori's Own Handbook
Budapest. 1930. Published by 'Education of Small Children' ( 60 p.)
Translated by Burchard-Bélaváry, Erzslbet - Foreword by Kenyeres, Elemér )
The main important pedagogical principles and materials are discussed in it illustrated by examples.
Montessori. Maria 1932: Előadásai az új nevelésről.
. Budapest. A "Kisdednevelés" kiadása ( 56 p.)
Burchard-Bélaváry Erzsébet fordítása
(Lectures on New Education
. Budapest. . Published by 'Education of Small Children' ( 56 p.)
Translated by Burchard-Bélaváry, Erzsébet )
Six lectures held by Montessori are covered in this book. The first five ones were presented in Bruxelles in 1922, the last one in Paris in 1922.
Maria Montessori :1995. A gyermek felfedezése. (304 p.)
Az előszót és a lábjegyzeteket írta: Méhes Vera.
Herder Kiadó Budapest.
(The Discovery of the Child
Foreword and notes by Méhes,Vera
Herder Publishing Company Budapest.)
This book explores the Montessori pedagogical principals, materials and those of applications for pre-schools and for schools are covered thoroughly.
Burchard, Erzsébet, 1945: Gyakorlati Gyermekvédelem
Anonymus Kiadó. Budapest 1945. (108 p.)
(Child-welfare in Practice
Anonymus Publishing Company. Budapest (108 p.)
The author was the chief official of pre-school affairs in the ministry tha time. She suggested how to furnish the pre-schools and the schools according to the Montessori principles. Thanks to her efforts each pre-school in Hungary has been furnished according to Montessori's principles.
Méhes B., Vera 1982.: Az óvónő és az óvodai játék..
Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest (240 p.)
Calibra kiadó Budapest .1993. (140 p.)
Meiji Tosho. Tokyo. 1987. (japán nyelven) (224 p.)
( The Teacher and the Play in Pre-schools.
National Textbook Publishing Company Budapest (240 p.)
Calibra Publishing Company Budapest .1993. (140 p.)
Meiji Tosho. Tokyo. 1987. (in Japanese) (224 p.)
The author introduced the pedagogical value of various kind of plays and illustrated by examples.. She highlights that the teachers should behave according to the Montessori pedagogical expectations even when supervising playing children.
Méhes, Vera :1994.,1997. Montessori pedagógia rendszere és alkalmazása az óvodában
Tankönyvkiadó. Budapest .
( Pedagogical System of Montessori and its Application in Pre-schools
National Textbook Publishing Company, Budapest.)
The author explains the Montessori pedagogical principles in detail. She shows the materials applied at pre-schools and the appropriate behavior of the Montessori teacher.
Kurucz, Rózsa dr 1995. .Montessori-pedagógia
Módus Kiadó.Veszprém. (174 p.)
( .Montessori Pedagogy
Módus Publishing Company.Veszprém. (174 p.)
There is an introduction explaining Montessori's career and her pedagogical principles. Four studies by Montessori were and several studies by Hungarian theoretical pedagogists who had known Montessori pedagogy thoroughly and appreciated it as early as between 1924 and 1950.
Cikkek, tanulmányok - Articles, studies
Montessori, Maria: Kézikönyvem.
In: Kisdednevelés 1929. (266-272 p.)
Fordította: Burchard-Bélaváry Erzsébet
(My own Handbook.
In: Education of Small Children 1929. (266-272 p.)
Translated by Burchard-Bélaváry,Erzsébet)
This article covers the following chapters: 'Misunderstandings', 'The myth of the Soul' and 'Our work'.
Burchard-Bélaváry, Erzsébet: A Montessori féle kisdedóvó intézet
In: Kisdednevelés 1929 (169-175.p.)
(The Montessori pre-school. In education of Smoll Children.
The new content and elements of a Montessori pre-school have been explained
in this article. )
Burchard-Bélaváry Erzsébet : A nevelő felelőssége.
In. Kisdednevelés 1930.
( The Responsibility of the Teacher. In.: Education of Smoll Children.
The traditional and the Montessori conception are compared by her in this
Montessori, Maria: Két élet
In: Kisdednevelés 1931. (2-4 p.)
Fordította Burchard-Bélaváry, Erzsébet
(Two lives. In: Education of Small Children 1931. (2-4 p.)
Translated by Burchard-Bélaváry,Erzsébet)
Comparing the life of children and adults.
Montessori, Maria: Az új nevelő feladata
In: Kisdednevelés. 1932. (96-104)
Fordította: Burchard-Bélaváry Erzsébet.
( The Role of a New Teacher
In: Education of Small Children. 1932. (96-104)
Translated by Burchard-Bélaváry.,Erzsébet)
The author discribes the importance of prepared environment and appropriate behaviour of teachers..
Maccheroni, Anna : Közös játékok a Montessori óvodában
In: Kisdednevelés 1932.(234-237 p. és 262-265 p.)
Fordította: Burchard-Bélaváry, Erzsébet.
(Common Plays in the Montessori Pre-schools
In: Education of Small Children 1932.(234-237 p. és 262-265 p.)
Translated by Erzsébet Burchard-Bélaváry .)
Those plays she introduced at a school in 1913 in Barcelone at the first time.
Méhes B., Vera : 1978. Montessori hatása Magyarországon.
In.: Óvodai nevelés .1978. ( 363- 367 p.)
A Magyar Tudományos Akadémián elhangzott előadás
(. Influence of Montessori in Hungary . Lecture held at the Accademy of Sciences
In.: Education of Pre-school 1978. 363-367)
This is a history of Montessori's influence on the Hungarian educational system from 1911 till 1978.
Méhes B. Vera : 1982.- 75 éve nyílt meg a Casa dei Bambini
In: Pedagógiai Szemle (1117-1126 p.)
(A Magyar Tudományos Akadémián elhangzott előadás.)
Casa dei Bambini opened for 75 years
In: Review of Pedagogy 1982. (1117-1126 p.)
Lecture held at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Méhes B., Vera: Maria Montessori pedagógiai rendszeréről.
In: Fejlesztő Pedagógia 1993/94. ( 16-20 p.)
(About the Pedagogical System of Maria Montessori.
In: Development Pedagogy)
Specific characteristics and values of Montessori pedagogy .
The review titled 'Montessori Workshop' published twice a year by the Montessori Association of Hungary has been concerned on disseminating Montessori pedagogy since 1992.
The most important studies in the "Montessori Műhely" - "Montessori Workshop"
(The newsletter of the Hungarian Montessori Association)
*Burchard- Erzsébet: Memoirss on my Montessori private pre-school and public ???school
Visszaemlékezéseim Montessori módszerű magánóvodámra és magán
"népiskolámra." 97/2. ( 8-10 p.)
Erzsébet Burchard-Bélaváry had maintained a Montessori pre-school from 1927 and a Montessori school from 1928 to 1941. The late Burchard Erzsébet gave us a report on this activity.
Vera B. Méhes : Mario Montessori was born 100 years ago 98/1. (3.p.)
Commemoration of his activity and merits.
B. Méhes Vera: The 'renaissance' of Montessori movement began for 20 years in Hungary
98/2. (3-4 p.)
The author covers the history of the Hungarian movement from 1978 to 1998.
Mária Élő: Applying Montessori pedagogy in an integrated group/team/classroom 98/1 ( 6-
The author gives a report how she works in a special team for
children with special needs.
Méhes B. Vera Játék a Montessori óvodában. 2000/1
Play in Montessori pre-schools.
The author is convinced, that play is absolutely important for healthy
development of children. She introced the pedagogcal values of plays. The
teacher should behave according to Montessori's pedagogical even when
supervising playing children.)
Rita Kim: Motivation in the Montessori pedagogy 2000/2 (44-5 p.)
As a psychologist, the author gives us an insight how the inner motivation is
handled by Montessori pedagogy.